My name is Irina Zhukova, I am a teacher of professional disciplines of the State Vocational Educational Institution Yurga College of Technologies named after Pavlyuchkov Gennady Antonovich

I am a manager of the “Confectionery business” competence, a professional, a master of my craft. I want to tell you a lot about myself!

Competency Manager – WorldSkills expert who organizes and develops competencies on the territory of the Russian Federation

General information Contact with me

Pedagogical concept


Почетные награды

Результаты педагогической деятельности


Badge of Honor for contribution to the development of the movement of professional excellence



Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass

certificate of honor


Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass

certificate of honor


Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

certificate of honor


Silver badge «Kuzbass»



Anniversary memorial sign «80 years of the system of vocational education»

anniversary memorial sign


Medal «For Faith and Goodness»



Medal «75 years of Kemerovo region»



Anniversary medal «70th Anniversary of the Miner’s Day»



Diploma of the Board of Administration of Kemerovo Region

certificate of honor


Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of Kemerovo Region for preparing students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Special Education for participation in the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills

certificate of honor


Grant of the Governor of Kemerovo region



Certificate of Merit from the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region

certificate of honor


My achievements

Results of pedagogical activity

2021 Expert Certificate in Confectionery No. 3249.
2021 Gratitude for participation in the organization and holding of the VIII Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) - 2021 in Kuzbass.
2020 Certificate of participation in the VII Regional competition “The best electronic educational resource”
2019 Certificate for the practical course “Chocolates”
2018 Gratitude from the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)”

2017 Letter of thanks for organizing and holding the workshop “Integral approach to the content of education as a factor influencing the process of forming professional interests
2017 Letter of thanks for organizing and holding the workshop “Implementation of practice-oriented training of specialists using WorldSkills standards”
2016 Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic.
Since 2016 I have been a certified WorldSkills Russia expert, Confectionery Competency Manager.
2015 Letter of thanks from the Department of Education and Science of Kemerovo Region;


I take part in organizing and holding championship events of the WorldSkills Russia Young Professionals movement at various levels:

  • Final V of the National Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) 2017-16.05.2017-19.05.2017;
  • Open Regional Championship of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) - 2018;
  • Final of the VI National Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia), 2018;
  • Qualifying competitions for the Final of the VII National Championship “Young Professionals” (Worldskills Russia) - 2019, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District;
  • Final of the VII National Championship “Young Professionals” (Worldskills Russia) 20.09.2019 - 22.09.2019;
  • VI Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) - 2019 in Kuzbass 03.11.2019 - 05.11.2019;
  • Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) of the Stavropol Territory - 2020 06/03/2020 - 06/08/2020;
  • Final of the VIII National Championship “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)”, 2020;
  • The final of the III National Championship “Skills of the Wise” for persons aged 50 years and older in a distance-face-to-face format, 2020;
  • Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District – Yugra, 2020;
  • IX Open Championship of professional skills of the city of Moscow “Moscow masters” according to the standards of WorldSkills Russia 2020-2021;
  • V Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) of Lipetsk region, 2021;
  • Qualifying competitions for the Final IV of the National Championship “Young Professionals” (Worldskills Russia) - 2021, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District;
  • Final of the IV National Championship “Skills of the Wise” and career guidance events for the population of the city of Novosibirsk, 2021;
  • VI Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) of Belgorod Region, 2022;
  • VIII Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, 2021;
  • Final of the V National Championship “Skills of the Wise” and career guidance events for the population of the city of Novosibirsk, 2022.

Professional expert activity

My achievements

Chief expert at championship events according to WorldSkills Russia standards:

  • Demonstration exam of the Master 32 Confectionery, 2019;
  • Demonstration exam of the Master 32 Confectionery, 2020;



Assessing expert at championship events according to WorldSkills Russia standards:

  • Qualifying competitions for the Final IV of the National Championship “Young Professionals” (Worldskills Russia) - 2021, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District;
  • Final of the IV National Championship “Skills of the Wise” and career guidance events for the population of the city of Novosibirsk, 2021;

Video-interview from the championship

At the championship site

Topics of methodological developments

My achievements

I take part in the development of assessment materials for the Demonstration exam in the competence “Confectionery” according to the standards of WorldSkills Russia

At the demo exam site

At the demo exam site


I use new educational technologies to create electronic educational resources

Open classes

My achievements

  1. Cooking fried vegetables

  2. New branded biscuit dough products

  3. Dishes from non-fish seafood

  4. Preparation, decoration, release and presentation of hot drinks: mulled wine, broth.

  5. Short pastry tart decoration technology


Indicators of the level of learning of students and the quality of knowledge

My achievements

Qualitative academic performance in the taught interdisciplinary courses averages:

  • 2019/2020 academic year – 82%;

  • 2020/2021 academic year – 85%;

  • 2021/2022 academic year - 86%, with 100% overall performance.

The share of graduates who continued their studies in 2019 in their specialty in educational organizations of higher education was 15%, 2020 - 20%, 2021 - 20%, 202221%

Positive results of the Demonstration exam in Competence Confectionery in the group 547, specialty Cooking and confectionery and group 518, profession Cook, confectioner are represented by 100% completion of the task according to CODE 1.2.

The qualitative performance of the state final certification in the form of DE was 92.3%.

There are positive results of the final qualifying works, during the state final certification:

  • Group 557 (WRC leadership - 7 students) - 2021: Qualitative academic performance - 100%: defense for “excellent” - 3 people, “good” - 4 people.

  • Group 558 (WRC leadership - 6 students) - 2022: Qualitative academic performance - 100%: defense for “excellent” - 4 people, “good” - 2 people.

Student Achievements

My Achievements

  • in December 2018, Kusova Dinara participated in the preparation of a college student for participation in the Regional competitions of the “Young Professionals” movement WorldSkills Russia, Kemerovo, competence “Confectionery”, the result - Diploma for 1st place;

  • in May 2019, she participated in the preparation of a college student to participate in the Finals of the National Championship of the Young Professionals movement WorldSkills Russia, Moscow. Kazan, competence “Confectionery”, result - Medallion for professionalism;

  • in December 2019 Matveeva Tatyana participated in the preparation of the college student for participation in the Regional competitions of the movement “Young professionals” WorldSkills Russia, Kemerovo, competence “Confectionery” result - Diploma for 1st place;

  • in September 2020 Vladimir Kolesnikov participated in the competition “The best EER for educational institutions”, nomination: training video, participant certificate;

  • in December 2020 Ekaterina Sopova participated in the preparation of a college student for participation in the Regional competitions of the movement “Young Professionals” WorldSkills Russia, Kemerovo, competence “Confectionery”, result - Diploma for 2nd place;

  • in December 2021 Menshchikova Arina participated in the preparation of a college student for participation in the Regional competitions of the movement “Young professionals” WorldSkills Russia, Kemerovo, competence “Confectionery”, result - Diploma for 1st place;

  • April 2022 Menshchikova Arina participated in the preparation of a college student for participation in the WorldSkills Russia Young Professionals Qualifying Competitions with summing up the results of the year, Surgut, competency “Confectionery”, result - Medallion for professionalism.

Educational and methodical activity

Experience of practical results of my professional activity

Refresher courses for teaching staff

Refresher courses for teaching staff


  • a report at the meeting of the Central Committee on the topic: “Preparation for the championship events according to WSR standards in the competence of Confectionery”, October 2020;
  • a participation in pedagogical readings on the topic: “Methods and forms of control”, January 2020;
  • a report at the pedagogical council on the topic: “Features of the protection of the WRC as a mandatory component of the GIA of college graduates in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the secondary vocational education”, 2021;
  • a report at the pedagogical council on the topic: “Methodology of organizing classes on modern technological equipment”, 2021;
  • a publication of the article “Demonstration exam as a modern element of the form of control and assessment of knowledge and skills of students” in the periodical journal “OKO” of the State Budgetary Institution of Education and Professional Education “Kuzbass Regional Institute of the Development of Vocational Education”, 2021;
  • holding refresher courses for teachers “Practice and methodology for the implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education taking into account the competence of WorldSkills in the competence” Confectionery “, September, October 2021.


Participation in professional competitions

Educational and methodical activity

2022 Diploma of the finalist of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition “Master of the Year”, the award of the Governor of Kemerovo region.
2020 Diploma of the winner of the competition of professional skills in the competence “Cooking and confectionery business”
2016 Certificate of participation in the II International Competition “Steps of Mastery”
2016 Diploma of the Regional Information Forum “Educational Space in the 21st Century” in the nomination “Best Pedagogical Experience”
2015 Diploma of the semi-finalist of the competition “Teacher of the Year”
2013 Certificate of honor for II place in the regional competition of professional skills in the profession “Confectioner”

Extracurricular activities

Our victories

Master class Tamochkin Nikita



Connect with me

  • +7(913)300-68-16
  • 652050, Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, Yurga sity, Zavodskaya st, 18